12 O’Clock Boys Trailer – Documentary Of Baltimore Dirt Bike Culture


Shout out to my man Ahki @ StrictlyHipHop  for letting me see this. I am from Maryland, not Baltimore but central Maryland. That’s in between Baltimore and DC, so some say I get the best of both worlds… Anyways, I thought this trailer was interesting. Lofty Nathan documents everything going on in Baltimore from – Crime, Poverty, Corrupt Police and the city it’s self. Check it out…. Stay Positive Baltimore. SUPPORT

Pug, a thirteen year old boy living on a dangerous Westside block, has one goal in mind: to join the 12 O’Clock Boys; the notorious urban dirt-bike gang of Baltimore. Converging from all parts of the inner city, they invade the streets and clash with police, who are forbidden to chase the bikes for fear of endangering the public. Pug looks to the pack for mentorship, spurred by their dangerous lifestyle. He narrates their world as if explaining a dreamscape, complemented with unprecedented, action-packed coverage of the riders in their element, guided by the riders themselves as they take to the streets and clash with Police. The film presents the pivotal years of change in a boy’s life growing up in one of the most dangerous and economically depressed cities in the United States.”