All Money In Donates To Skid Row In Los Angeles


Nipsey Hussle on instagram today let the world know what his All Money In crew has been up to! Normally, it’s a new venture, music or something along those lines he announces on instagram. Over the weekend the crew went to Skid Row in Los Angeles to hand out food and more! Skid Row is an infamous area in Downtown Los Angeles full of poverty, pain, addiction and also lots of hope and opportunity! I have been to the community many times and always love to help with what I can. If you live in California or visit I encourage you to stop in and see. Don’t be afraid to talk to people either now!

It’s cool to see All Money In do stuff like this! Skid Row might be ugly to the outside eye, but these are humans and deserve to be respected! In my eyes that’s what having money and power is about! Helping those who are struggling or are facing a tough time. White, black, asian etc etc none of us are exempt from needing help or receiving aid! You never know when you will need it honestly! STAY POSITIVE YA’LL!