3DNatee – Out The Mud (Ep. 1 in Sweden)


New Vlog from upcoming feamle 3DNatee….take a look below!

“On my way to my room, I noticed one woman and a group of her friends staring at us. For the past few hours, I had gotten used to that. From the moment that we boarded the plane to Sweden, I notice that there were not too many black people. There were many beautiful and courteous blonde hair blue eyed and dark hair fair skinned people. There was also a lot of tall olive skinned “immigrants” as I heard one man describe himself. He was sooooo handsome, but, I didn’t see too many black people. So as this woman stared, I thought we were just out of place. Then she let out a low scream. She said “Ohhhhh,” in sort of a shrill tone. By this time they were 5 ft away and her friends said,” Can she take a picture with you?” I was in shock. I asked,”Do you know who I am?” She introduced herself as Sassa and told me, “Yes! I came early because I wanted to be upfront for your show (sidebar: It was still 3 hours before my performance). At that moment, Sassa had help me overcome my performance anxiety. I told myself that even if I am in Sweden, even if no one else understands me, or likes my music, I have to put on a good show for Sassa. And that, I did.” Follow the Out The Mud Series and read the full description at WWW.3DNATEE.COM”