Hip Hop Hundred Interviews Ynm Savage


What’s good everyone! Today, we are back with another interview! We speak with Watts, Los Angeles artist Ynm Savage. Ynm Savage is coming to us from the Jordan Downs. Ynm Savage has his own style and a lot in store for the world. He dropped his new EP Took Me Some Time. Check out the music and interview below!

1. Where are you from and what is it like growing up there?

I am from Los Angeles, Watts, CA. Growing up here on the east side is quit drastic we’re I’m from we all taught to survive.

2. What music inspired your growing up?

The music that inspired me was hip hop although my mom had me listening oldies as well.

3. Tell us about you’re new EP ‘Took Me Some Time’.

My Ep took me some time title stands for itself, I have tracks on there with lyrics that have just been sitting in my head I went through a lot these last last years I was hardly dropping any music it was set back after set back until Finally. 

4. What plans do you have for 2023?

My plans for 2023 is to reach all my goals , be more consistent, more visuals will be released , I will be staying at the top of my game.

5. What artist of all time would you like to work with?

I would love to work with Chief Keef.

6. What do you want people to take away from you’re music?

I feel my music brings inspiration in some way people tend to relate to what I be saying . I throw in a little poetry at times but I hope people find my music up lifting & a way.

7. What is one of the hardest challenges you have defeated in your life?

One of the hardest challenges I have defeated in my life was cutting ties.

8. What’s your favorite thing about living in Los Angeles?

My favorite thing about living in Los Angeles is enjoying the city and being around my family & friends.

9. Anything else you want the world to know…

Be on the look out for new music, Videos, merchandise, and more.