Black Zheep DZ – The Other Side


Black Zheep DZ always hits us wit bangers!

“As summer comes to a close & people prepare for the cold weather and warm drinks, Black Zheep DZ is here to show the world that he is a talented artist from the basement ready to take over. Out of Baltimore, Zheep dropped a 10 track EP entitled “Mirror, Mirror” to help end the summer with a blast.

“The project turned out really smooth & the dark depths of rap seem to light up with Zheeps ability to switch up his flows multiple times during the same bar. Zheep does a nice job of hitting some lines that really hit home while at the same time keeping the turn up hype while not overdoing it. The production is all very funky, from the slow-paced bass lines to the fast-paced percussion and hi hat rolls, the production on this tape is very well done, featured producers such as D.K The Punisher, Rvdical The Kid & others.”