Hip Hop Hundred Interviews Kaylee Kay228


What’s going on everyone!? Today, we are back with a new interview! We speak Inglewood, California’s Kaylee Kay228. Kaylee has been dropping lots of music lately and we had to tap in! We speak on influences, growing up in Inglewood, plans for the future and present and more!

Kaylee has a unique style and sound! It’s only going to get better and grow!

1. Where are you from and what was it like growing up there?

I’m from Inglewood, The north side. It was cool, you know it was like a small community real close. Everyone knew everybody type of thing. It’s changed a lot now since they gentrified it. Seeing my neighborhood get ripped apart for better is bitter sweet.

2. What music did you listen to growing up? What music inspired you? 

Growing up, I listened to a lot of rap and R&B. I got inspired by a lot of girl groups growing up, listening to singers and different styles. Beyonce, Alicia Keys, TLC, Janet Jackson you name it. 

3. How did you get into making music?

I got into making music from just being around music at a young age. A lot of my uncles and aunties were in the music industry in the 90s. So it inspired me to want to put on my own music and start my own career in the industry.

4. How would you describe your sound?

I would describe my sound very different. I don’t just have one sound, I have a very versatile sound. That makes my music different from new and pass artist. I’m able to do hard-core rap as well as R&B soul, Rock, Country, you name it.

5. What plans do you have for 2023?

Just to continue to work, get my name out there more. Preforming, appearances and dropping more music videos. I will also be dropping my EP this summer, so stay tuned for that. I would like to get back into acting. I was a child actor when I was younger. I would like to get back into that industry as well.

6. Is there any artists you want to work with?

My favorite artist is Rod wave, so that would be a dream of mine to work with him. I also love Cardi b and been a fan of hers since before she started dropping music, so being able to work with her as well would be dope! 

7. What do you want people to take away from your music?

I want people to enjoy my music, make it memorable and a big vibe! So every time people hear any of my songs they just automatically get in the mood, whether it’s a lit mood or a chill mood, my music is bound to make you feel good.

8. Anything else you want the world to know…

I’m here to stay. Kaylee Kay228 is not letting up. I got major plans for the future, as well as the present and soon people will start to see all the hard work behind the scenes. It’s not all peaches and cream, how people think it is. It’s a lot of patience that I had to learn very early on, but now I’m understanding everything and able to navigate and get through my journey. You just gonna have to stick around and i’ll see you at the top!