Hip Hop Hundred Interviews Ralph French


What’s goin on everyone?! Hope all is good with you and as always thanks for rockin with Hip Hop Hundred every day. Today I’m gonna introduce you all to the up and coming producer/rapper who goes by the name Ralph French. You may have already heard some of his work on tracks for 9BMC artist Witty Rock. He creates a real unique sound coming from the south. Check out the sounds below.


1. Where Are You from?

I am from Atlanta, GA

2. How did you get into producing and rapping?

I got into rapping in like middle school. I wasnt at all serious about it i just liked the art of it and I liked to write.  As far as producing in high school my homie Hal (Pyramid Vritra a nigga in odd future now) and my other homie eEic were making beats one day and i was like, fuck that’s awesome I wanna do that too. That’s how i got started.

3. What inspires the beats you make?

I’m just a creative person at heart. I just love to create shit and look at beautiful shit so that might be the inspiration. Nothing specific.

4. Your beats don’t sound like typical southern beats…Where does your sound come from?

It’s funny cause every time i meet people for the first time and tell them I’m from Atlanta they don’t believe me at all. I guess I’m my own person and I’m not too affected by my surroundings but I fucking love Atlanta. But majority of the music I listen to isn’t from Atlanta so i guess that’s why it doesn’t sound like the typical Atlanta music.

5. How did you hook up with Witty Rock and the 9bmc camp from Baltimore?

Rock is the homie. We both went to school at Clark Atlanta University. I look at him more as a friend then anything. He can rap, I can make beats, the people in his camp are nice so its not that hard working with them.

6. How did you hook up with Houston artist OG Che$$?

I hit that nigga OG Che$$ on twitter. He gave me his email, sent him some beats and he was fucking with the sounds. I am a pretty big OG Che$$ and Travis Scott fan. As far as young rappers those are my favorite right now so I was pretty stoked to work with Che$$. OGWVNG

7. Which do you like better, producing or rapping?

I’m in love with producing. Like that’s my bitch. Lol. As far as rapping goes I’m good at it and is like that feeling when I freestyle in front of people and surprise them with my confidence. When I rap I feel in control.

8. Favorite Movie?

Right now I would have to say Blue Valentine. But Vanilla Sky is there too. Any Leonardo film is awesome as well.

9. Favorite Artist?

As far as Rap goes probably Kanye. But I’m really liking James Blake’s music right now. I don’t listen to too much Rap so my favorite artist/band of all time would be Nirvana.

10. What’s it like in the ATL?

Atlanta is laid back, hot as shit in the summer but cool if you go to the right places.

11. Any last words…?

Thanks for reaching out. A Lot More To Come In The Future.


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