Raven Sorvino – Playa Del Rey


I was searching the internet today looking for some new music…….. a new sound or something that will open your mind or something. I found Raven Sorvino. Raven Sorvino is from South Los Angeles, Leimert Park to be exact. Everyone says female MC’s are wack or not in style or something….. I have always been open to music from the West and also to female MC’s, so I gave the tape a listen. I think every artist from California is naturally laid back. The tape features Casey Veggies and has some real sharp production. That is why I love West Coast music it is SHARP AND RELAXING. Raven Sorvino has a lot of skill and I think she will start to grow. I am very excited for the new group of hip hop talent coming……. IT IS GOING TO GET GOOD IN 2013.