Song Of The Week: Bryant Dope – Reminisce


What’s goin on everyone? I hope are having a good holiday season. With the New Year fast approaching, I find myself thinking a lot about time. As I grow older, I become more aware of how powerful and precious time is; and I feel each year goes by faster than the one before. If you really think about it, 365 days is a short time. Look back on the log of 365 days you’ve survived. How did you spend them? What did you think about, who were you with, how have you grown, where did you succeed, or fail at anything, if anything? Take long pause today and – “Reminisce”- That is The Song of the Week, this time by Queens native – Bryant Dope – with that raw vibe on the production by DELA.When you’re on a higher level, and you start to reflect on yourself, and your life; all things have a simple connection. It’s all about Choices; the free will to be who you want, do what you please, and treat people how you wish. It all makes you who you are at this very moment. Bryant Dope is looking back on his youth. He realizes we all change, and we grow apart from things we were once close to. In time, we see people for who they really are, and we find out who cares, and who doesn’t. Sometimes you may feel like you are the crazy one. But all that matters is how you choose to respond; everyone views life from a different perspective. So stay close to the people who are good to you, and be good to them.  Spend your time with purpose. And when you do reminisce, remember, that true bonds exist in the now. Get what you want out of life, and always be true to You. Take a listen to song below, and as always Stay Positive!

Bryant Dope’s upcoming project – Raw Dope – is set to drop December 11th – stay tuned!

Raw Dope - December 11th

Bryant Dope