Song Of The Week: Chiddy Bang – Breathe


What’s goin on everyone? Hope you all are havin a good week, and are enjoying the last month of the summer season. It’s time right now for the Song of the Week! This one goes to Philadelphia, PA artist Chiddy Bang with “Breathe” produced by Yuri Beat$. Right on time, the vibe of this song feels like the end of summer. It’s important to know who we are at heart, and to have faith in our abilities. Reminiscing about the past weeks, months, and years; realizing that we’ve always been on this path called life, with a destination in mind. Chiddy’s message is positive, and has a great purpose.  The people we meet, the jobs we work, even the smallest everyday interactions we have, make us who we are. The good, the bad, and the ugly things we encounter are all part of the plan. We just have to keep it moving, and keep our heads up. Give a listen! Appreciate your life, who you are, and what you’ve overcome. Do more than you thought you ever could, and remember that the future happens every minute. It’ll be alright, sit back and just Breathe!