Geto Boys – Mind Playing Tricks On Me


One of the greatest Hip Hop Songs…..ever from the classic album We Can’t Be Stopped. Each contains raw lyrics and authentic storytelling……Check it out!

“This year halloween fell on a weekend 
Me and geto boyz are trick-or-treating 
Robbing little kids for bags 
Till an old man got behind our ass 
So we speeded up the pace 
Took a look back and he was right before our face 
We’d be in for a squab’ no doubt 
So I swung and hit the nigga in his mouth 
He was going down, we figured 
But this was no ordinary nigga 
He stood about six or seven feet 
Now, that’s the nigga I’d been seeing in my sleep 
So we triple-teamed on him 
Dropping them motherfuckin b’s on him 
The more I swung the more blood flew 
Then he disappeared and my boys disappeared, too 
Then I felt just like a fiend 
It wasn’t even close to halloween 
It was dark as fuck on the streets 
My hands were all bloody from punching on the concrete 
God damn, homie 
My mind is playing tricks on me”